Below are several images from an extracurricular photography class that I took during my last semester at Allegheny College. This class was my foray into art, and although I haven't pursued photography since, I really enjoyed learning the basics back then. It was one of those things where I became totally engrossed in my assignments. Instead of spending extra time on my requisite courses, I found myself logging numerous hours in the dark room or with digital photo editors. Now that 2006 is almost over, I’ve been reevaluating things (cheesy, I know), and am trying to set aside more time to pursue things that I wouldn’t ordinarily consider.

This photo was taken in a kitchen window of my old house in Meadville, PA. The postcard was a souvenir from le Musee Pompidou and the glasses were a gift from my work (I've since lost them. Who accidentally throws away Chloe sunglasses?!??). Not quite sure why I put those two things together but I was pleased with the end product. You can't really see it here, but in the high res version, the development of the details of the mesh screen of the window and the grain of the windowsill were my main accomplishment with this photo. As a beginner, I had some trouble with achieving absolute lights and darks but things kind of clicked here. On a side note, I just love this postcard by the French artist, Ben. Most of his work that I'm familiar with consists of simple phrases like this one.
Official site of Ben Vautier
This picture was also taken in Meadville, PA. I was just wandering around, looking for anything to photograph, and came across a little tree growing against a concrete wall. I thought it was kind of cool that it could exist there surrounded by gravel. That's about it. I ended up photoshopping this and juxtaposing the graffiti with elements from other photos that I took for the class.

This is the final project from the class. Our assignment was to create a CD cover. I can't remember if we were actually required to use the pictures that we had taken throughout the class but that's what I did. I ended up using the title, "Aller Retour" which translates to "Roundtrip." The end product doesn't really make too much sense but I guess that the name was appropriate because the image does include my work from the beginning of the class to the end.
Anyway, this is one of my first blog postings and I plan to continue adding lots of other useless content in the days to come.
Rien que pour le plaisir!
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