a friend of mine made reservations for a group of us at essex restaurant on st. patty's day. the night before was a haze of beer, wine, and shots so i wasn't feeling completely up to par for brunch. fortunately, dragging myself out of bed for essex was well worth it. $16 got us more spicy bloody mary's than even i could drink and a del.icio.us mexican mazto brei that involved scrambled eggs, cheese, tortillas, black beans, and avocado. 'twas the perfect hangover cure. mmmm!!! but the feast didn't stop there. on to economy candy...

economy candy | 108 rivington
my teeth are rotting just thinking about this place. i can't believe it's taken me this long to find a legit candy store! i ended up spending almost $20 on junk food there... :-P candy cigarettes that really puff, teaberry gum, candy necklaces, gumballs, pop rocks, blow pops without the stick, etc. ohh, and of course, kinder bueno. nostalgia. these things are so damn good. right up there with nutella. i also got some kinder suprise eggs. yummm.